Thursday, June 9, 2011

11 girls this year!!

Name: Keam Seayang
Age: 15 years old; 9th grade Birthday: 25 September

She has 4 brothers and 3 sisters. In the future she wants to be an evangelist or a teacher. Her parents are Christians. She is very quiet, but hard working. She accepted the Lord before coming here, which is a very rare thing here indeed. I’m not sure why, but Hmong Christian parents usually don’t teach their children about the Lord. This is her first year here.
Name: Nam Seali
Age: 14 years old/8th grade Birthday: 30 May
She has 2 brothers and 1 sister. In the future she wants to be a high
school English teacher. Her father was selling drugs and was arrested
over 2 years ago. He committed suicide in prison. Her mother was pregnant with her youngest brother at the time. Her mother is a new Christian. She just came to know the Lord about 6 months ago. This is her first year here.

Name: Sai Saeyang
Age: 13 years old/7th grade Birthday: 1 December

She has 2 brothers and 4 sisters. In the future she wants to be an elementary school teacher. Her parents are Christians. Even though she comes from a Christian family, she knows very little about the Lord. She’s interested in the gospel. She’s also homesick – this is her first time away from home. School is a struggle for her. This is her first year here.

Name: Peace Sae Syong
Age: 15 years old/9th grade
Birthday: 25 August
She has 1 brother and 2 sisters. In the future she wants to be a tour guide or a flight attendant or a missionary or a boxer.  Her mother is a new Christian, but no else in the family is a believer. Her father wanted to send her to a Buddhist temple to study before she came here. This is her 3rd year here.

Name: Nee Seayang
Age: 17 years old/11th grade Birthday: 16 February
She has 2 brothers and 6 sisters. In the future she wants to be an architect or an accountant. Parents are Christians. Father is an elder in the church. This is her 5th year here. She is the student leader in the house. God has gifted her with some incredible musical talent and the other girls look up to her.

Name: Newt Seafa
Age: 14 years old/9th grade
Birthday: 30 July
She has 1 brother and 3 sisters. In the future she wants to be an artist. Parents are divorced. Mother remarried, lives in the same village and refuses to speak to her daughters. Her older sister, Mone lives here as well. This is her 3rd year here. She had prayed to accept the Lord, but I think now that she was just something she did because others were doing it. She wants to be accepted, but she doesn’t really understand the gospel.
Name: Mone Saefa
Age: 16 years old/10th grade
Birthday: 27 December
She has 1 brother and 3 sisters. In the future she wants to be a doctor or a policeman. Parents are divorced. Mother remarried, lives in the same village and refuses to speak to her daughters. Mone’s younger sister, Newt, lives here as well. This is her 3rd year here and she is the “assistant” student leader.

Name: Crème SaeSyong
Age: 14 years old/ 9th grade
Birthday: 31 July
She has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. In the future she wants to be a nurse. Parents aren’t Christians. She lived in a Buddhist temple one year before coming to live here. This is her 2nd year here. She is very quiet and her feelings get hurt easily.
Name: See Saeli
Age: 16 years old/10th grade
Birthday: 26 March
She has 1 brother and 2 sisters. In the future she wants to be a nurse. Parents are Christians. Father is an elder in the church. This is her first year here, and she also accepted the Lord before coming here.
Name: Nai Seayang
Age: 13 years old/8th grade
Birthday: 1 November
She has 1 brother and 2 sisters. In the future she wants to be an
astronaut. Parents are divorced and she has no contact with her father whatsoever. This is her 2nd year here. She hasn’t accepted the Lord.

Name: Paew Saehur
Age: 18 years old/11th grade
Birthday: 8 Sepetember
She has 1 brother and 2 sisters. In the future she wants a nurse.
Parents are divorced. Both parents have remarried and neither parent wants the children. The children have been living on their own in the village before Paew came here this year. Her 2nd day here she begged and pleaded for a Bible and upon receiving one reads it constantly. She says she doesn’t really understand it, but she’s reading it everyday, even taking it to school with her.